Top 4 Law Firm Marketing Tips

January 5, 2021

With a New Year always comes new goals and in the world of business, that almost always begins with marketing. We are living in a world that is making BIG moves to shift to online and digital marketing can get confusing but, we have a few simple tips for your law firm that can help you get started. 

We have worked with many law firms over the years and we find it so exciting to see the growth these clients can have by implementing just a few simple tactics into their digital marketing efforts! 

So, we put together this short and sweet list of our top four tips to market your law firm. 

1. Be the Expert in Your Area

Unlike some other businesses, law is very dependent on each state. You want to be clear to potential clients that you are an expert law firm in your state, and more importantly, your city or town. 

You can implement this idea in many ways, but we have found that content creation is one of the most effective ways to drive this home. What are common questions posed by clients? Law can be very confusing to the average person. How can you offer helpful information to the masses? Blogging, social media, and informative videos are all excellent ways to share your expertise!

Not only will this helpful content provide value, it will help build trust, secure referrals, and cultivate a strong base for SEO practices. Which leads us right into our next tip..

2. Utilize SEO to Your Advantage

Search Engine Optimization, we can’t stress enough how important it is to utilize this tactic! If you’re taking the time to share valuable content with your audience, you want them to be able to find it, right? 

Let’s stick with the local theme as we develop our SEO practices, by focusing on your area, you’ll find better results. Keeping a hand on the pulse of relevant keywords is one thing, but it’s just as important to ensure you’re utilizing tools like meta descriptions, titles, link building and more. An active social media and putting yourself out there as an expert in all things law will help as well.

To get a better understanding of SEO, check out some of our past blogs:

3. Keep Content Current

We understand how it can be, you spend so much time working to build your business and receive wonderful results, but then you run out of time to devote to keeping up with your marketing efforts. 

However, it is important to keep up on your efforts to bring in new business or else you may find a very up and down pattern taking hold of incoming clients.

4. Maintain a Strong Website

In order to master all of the above, it is important to keep your website up to date, fast, and responsive. Your website acts as your law firm’s digital home base, you want it to give off a good impression to potential clients. 

Your blog will be based here, SEO can be managed properly, and individuals will come to your website for location information, hours and more! 

If your law firm needs some assistance in any of these areas, please feel free to reach out to us. We’d love to see how we can help!


By: The Mug Creative

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