The Perfect Blog Checklist

October 6, 2020

When it comes to writing a killer blog post for your business, there are several factors you’ll want to be sure to include. In a time where anyone and everyone has a blog, you will want to be sure that you’re using yours to its full potential in order to stand out. While there might be a lot of competition in business, if you can ensure that you’re using your website and blog in a strategic way, you can set yourself above your competitors! 

So, what exactly will this take? How do I set a strategy for the blog for my business? How do I know where to even begin? 

Lucky for you, we put together a quick guide to an amazing blog through the checklist below. 

Check it out!

Checklist for The Ideal Blog

Step 1: Research Target Keywords

If we’re taking the time to research topics and write entire blog posts on different subjects, we want that effort to be rewarded by getting your content to rank and reach new customers and clients while providing value. This involves cultivating a list of potential target keywords before you begin any writing. 

Keywords can help steer your content in the right direction and can even give you ideas for topics to write about that your audience will find useful! 

There are several helpful tools to identify potential keywords, such as Ubersuggest, SEMrush, Moz, or even Google’s keyword planner. 

Step 2: Optimize for Search Engines

From the very beginning, it is important to optimize your blog posts for search engines. Everything from the title to the URL should be crafted with SEO in mind. 

This doesn’t have to be complicated! Simply making sure that your title, URL, photo file names, and captions include target keywords will help your posts expand your reach and improve your rankings! 

Step 3: Organize Your Blog Post

You’ll want to continue step two throughout your writing by utilizing different heading sizes as well as internal and external links. But aside from these more technical tips, put your reader first.

Be sure to write with your ideal reader in mind. Above all else, you want your writing to be easy to read, straightforward and interesting. 

Read More: 7 Content Ideas For Your Business

Step 4: Don’t Skip the Details

Meta descriptions are an important part of any successful blog post. They are a brief overview of each web page listed on a search results page. This gives the reader a little taste of what they can expect if they click on your site. Meta descriptions are a wonderful place to utilize keywords as well as grab the reader’s attention.

Also pay special attention to tags, categories, photo descriptions and photo file names. These are wonderful places to continue plugging in those keywords! 

Step 5: Post That Blog and Share, Share, Share! 

The final task once you’ve written a well thought out, SEO driven blog is to post it! Sharing the post on social media can help with your reach and overall ranking in the future. 

Sharing on social media will make it easier for the blog to be shared by others as well.

We hope you’ve found this list helpful as you work toward perfecting your blogging strategy. 

Have any additional questions? Let us know


By: The Mug Creative

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