Using Linktree VS A Customized Landing Page

May 12, 2021

Instagram gives us ONE link in our Instagram Bio section, that’s right, just one! 

You may have noticed people utilizing other tools in order to share more than one link. One of the most popular options for this is Linktree. 

We were just talking with a client the other day about utilizing this tool and got to thinking, what if we could create something custom that would serve the same purpose – only better! We are web designers afterall! 

So let’s take a look at Linktree VS a customized landing page. 

Linktree For Your Business

Linktree is software that allows you to create a landing page of sorts, with multiple links that you can use as your one Instagram bio link.

You can customize your Linktree page with custom colors, photos, and social links. It truly is a great option for some individuals or businesses. However, when you use Linktree it’s pretty much a one way transaction. You use their services for convenience but don’t really get anything out of it yourself. This is totally fine, but what if you could get more out of your single Instagram link? 

Enter a Customized Landing Page

If you already have a great website, why not just create a landing page that you can use in place of a Linktree link? 

In doing this, not only do you have complete control over the design, you can also benefit from the SEO point of view. 

By linking multiple pages within a landing page, you can improve your link building and increase the amount of traffic to your website. In turn this will help you with ranking higher on search engines while providing visitors with easy access to relevant links!

How to Create a Customized Landing Page

If you decide that a custom landing page is for you, you’ll want to login to the backend of your website to create a new page. Depending on what you use to create your website the process will be different for everyone, but here are a few things to remember:

  • Set this new page as active or live, but don’t create any buttons or links to this page on your website itself. 
  • Be intentional about the path you chose in your URL. This link will be on display on your Instagram, so make sure you think about what you want. Ex.
  • Consider the design for your landing page. The purpose is to share links on mobile and visitors will be coming from Instagram. You’ll want to make sure the page is optimized for mobile usage. Simple is best. 

In the end, we prefer custom-built landing pages for SEO reasons. Linktree is still a great option with customization that comes at an additional cost. 

If you’re hesitant on building a custom landing page for your Instagram Bio, please reach out to us. We would love to help create a website for you from scratch or simply help you with your Instagram landing page. 

Using Linktree VS A Customized Landing Page By The Mug Creative Agency

By: The Mug Creative

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  1. […] website and linking your website into your social media pages. You may even consider opting for a custom landing page rather than a Linktree on Instagram! There are tons of ways to get […]