The Importance of Copywriting When It Comes to Your Website

January 12, 2022

As website designers, it should come as no surprise that we love a good color scheme or font pairing. Much of our work is done with aesthetics in mind. However, don’t let this fool you! 

When it comes to our design process, copywriting comes first! If you’re not familiar with the term, copywriting basically refers to the wording on a website. We consider website copy to be the foundation of your website design. While you may assume that if a site looks nice, it should perform well and be successful. However, there is a lot more that goes into it – let’s discuss!

What is the goal of your website?

Each business is unique and the purpose of each website differs from business to business. One website might be used as a portfolio, while another may be a lead generation tool. A website can also have multiple goals with each page serving a unique purpose. 

By planning the copy ahead of time, it sets the stage to consider some of these details before the design process begins. Conversely, if we design a website before we have the copy, our client may only consider the spaces we’ve allotted for text and in the end, the site might not do you business the justice it deserves. Planning the content ahead of time gives us the freedom to expand upon ideas and really get creative. Once you know what pages you’re planning to have, you can start to formulate ideas for each page – and subsequently, the purpose/goal of each page.

[ Side Note: In the content planning process and don’t know where to begin? Check out our Website Content Planner! ] 

For example, an About page could include all sorts of information. Surely there are nearly an infinite number of details surrounding your business that you COULD share. However, the purpose of an About page is typically to build trust with your customers. Including details regarding credentials, experience, as well as social proof can all contribute to building a stronger connection with your audience. 

Who will do your copywriting?

As a small business owner, it can be difficult to give up control. It can be even harder to justify paying another person to do something you could do on your own. 

We have worked with plenty of clients that handle their copywriting on their own (maybe with a little help from us every now and then!) We have also worked with clients that have great intentions to write their own copy, but at the end of the day, they have a business to run! Outsourcing your copywriting is a wonderful option for a lot of clients. 

Hiring a Copywriting Expert

At the end of the day, YOU are the expert on your business and you are an integral component to crafting excellent copy. 

However, copywriting for websites is a tactful task. Hiring a copywriter not only ensures your story will be told in a way that entices your audience, but it frees your time to focus on other parts of your business. 

Website copywriters know how to craft copy that converts, whatever your goals may be. 

While it is crucial to understand your perspective of your business, it is also valuable to have an outside frame of reference.

At The Mug, we have amazing references for you when it comes to copywriting. So if you are looking for the perfect copywriter to tell your story and sell your services, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for more information

The Importance of Copywriting When It Comes To Your Website By The Mug Creative

By: The Mug Creative

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  1. […] have gone into great detail surrounding the importance of quality copywriting for a website. Beyond the impact it has on SEO, your website copy is the perfect opportunity to give your site a […]